VCE General Mathematics Units 3 and 4

VCE Maths Tutor Melbourne

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General Mathematics Units 3 and 4 provide for study of mathematics used in a range of practical contexts related to the compulsory Core area of study of Data analysis and Recursion and financial modelling in Unit 3 and the Applications area of study in Unit 4. The Applications area of study comprises two modules to be completed in their entirety, from a selection of four possible modules: Matrices, Networks and decision mathematics, Geometry and measurement and Graphs and relations.

Assumed knowledge and skills for the Core area of study are contained in the General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 topics: ‘Computation and practical arithmetic’, ‘Investigating and comparing data distributions’, ‘Investigating relationships between two numerical variables’, ‘Linear graphs and modelling’, ‘Linear relations and equations’, and ‘Number patterns and recursion’.


(Source: VCAA)

Acceler8 VCE Maths Tutoring
The Mathematics Tutoring Specialist
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.